
State School 1998 opened on the corner of Queen Street North and Dyte Parade in 1878. Enrolments at the red-brick school reached 300 by 1882. Some unusual ‘firsts’ followed: it was the first Ballarat school to own a piano (1909) and the first to build its own swimming pool (1926). Declining enrolments led to a ‘merger’ with Brown Hill Primary to form Caledonian Primary School at the end of 1993. Classes were consolidated at Brown Hill’s Thompson Street site, and Ballarat East was closed. The former school was acquired by the Uniting Church and is used for its Community Access services.


Ballarat East Primary School (Queen Street) then
Photo courtesy of the Public Record Office Victoria


Ballarat East Primary School (Queen Street) now
Photo by Hayden Bader, April 2021


Caledonian Primary School acknowledges its origins, including a foundation plaque (1995).

Today, Uniting Aged Care offers a range of services at the former school site.


No Facebook presence can be found. The Ballarat Historical Society could be of assistance.