State School 3118 opened in leased accommodation in 1891, and it was not until 1908 that the school was able to move to a permanent site at 50 Wheatsheaf Road. A red brick building was added to the wooden structure in 1927. Enrolments reached 1,350 by 1956, courtesy of the influx of migrant families in new housing estates. More schools such as Glenroy North were opened to ease the pressure. Ironically, in 2011 Glenroy Primary was ‘merged’ with Glenroy North Primary to form Glenroy Central Primary, according to State Government ‘regeneration of education provision’ criteria. The new entity moved to buildings hived off the Glenroy College site, thus reducing the space available to the secondary school. Glenroy Primary was therefore closed, and the site was acquired by Moreland Council in 2014. It became the Wheatsheaf Hub, where community groups could use the heritage protected 1927 school building. Now construction has commenced on a major upgrade of the entire site, with the new Glenroy Community Hub due to open late 2021.


Glenroy Central Primary School does not acknowledge the events of 2011, which isn’t all that long ago. At least TTW knows about the former Glenroy Primary. TTW is the engineering firm developing the Glenroy Community Hub for the City of Moreland.
Glenroy Primary School – private Facebook group
Glenroy Primary School No. 3118 – Victorian Heritage Register