State School 1658 opened at 856-868 Princes Highway in 1875. Enrolments reached 439 by 1943, prompting the Education Department to acquire more land to expand the school. Residential development in the area saw numbers hit 1,038 in 1958, which resulted in more primary schools being built in the 1960s to cope with the surging enrolments. By the 1980s numbers began to go the other way, so much so that the school was ‘merged’ at the end of 1993 with Northvale Primary to form Albany Rise Primary School. They were consolidated on the Northvale site, and Springvale North Primary was closed. The site was promptly sold ($900,000) and became the Turner Close housing estate.


Unfortunately, Albany Rise Primary School does not acknowledge the merger. Surely the research going into the 50th Anniversary of the Northvale Primary site (due late 2021) would have unearthed the events of 1993/94.
Springvale North Primary School – private Facebook group