Opened in 1925 as Brunswick Domestic Arts School in Albert Street. In 1969 it was rebadged as Brunswick Girls High, and when boys were admitted in 1976 it became Brunswick East High School. In 1993 it was ‘merged’ with Brunswick Technical and Brunswick High to form the dual campus Brunswick Secondary College. The unlucky third school was Brunswick East High, which was closed and sold ($911,000). The former school was demolished to make way for a housing estate.


Our Case Study goes into more detail. Brunswick Secondary College acknowledges its complex origins, although it confuses the 1970s rebuild of Brunswick Primary with Brunswick East High.
In 2018 a commemorative plaque was placed in Randazzo Park, to acknowledge the two former Albert Street schools. Unfortunately, the plaque contains factual errors. For the record, the secondary school site had five name changes in its lifetime: Brunswick Domestic Arts School (1925); Brunswick Girls School (1935); Brunswick Girls Secondary School (1949); Brunswick Girls High School (1969); and Brunswick East High School (1976).
Brunswick East High School – public Facebook group
Brunswick Girls School – private Facebook group